Category: Golden Hour

1963 Memories – A Journey Back to 1963

By John Surgenor. Irvine Beat FM Presenter. 1963 Today we visit the golden year of 1963. Let me take you on a brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and some trivia of the year. I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m John Surgenor and I do a Golden Hour show on Irvine Beat FM…

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1969 Memories – A Journey Back To 1969

By John Surgenor. Irvine Beat FM Presenter. 1969 Let me lead you through a brief journey into the golden year of 1969. The journey will take us through the music, the entertainment, the happenings, the memories and some trivia of the year. I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m John Surgenor and I do a golden…

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1967 Memories – A Journey Back To 1967

By John SurgenorIrvine Beat FM Presenter 1967 A brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and trivia of the golden year of 1967. I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m John Surgenor and I do a golden hour show on Irvinebeatfm 107.2 and the website every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 11.00 and 12.00hrs.…

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1985 Memories – A Journey Back To 1985

1985 By John SurgenorIrvine Beat FM Presenter The golden year of 1985. A brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and some trivia of the year. I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m John Surgenor and I do a golden hour show on Irvinebeatfm 107.2 and the website every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between…

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1973 Memories – A Journey Back To 1973

1973 The golden year of 1973. A brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and some trivia of the year. By John Surgenor Irvine Beat FM – Golden Hour Presenter The golden year of 1973. A brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and some trivia of the year. I’ll start by introducing…

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1960 Memories – A Journey Back To 1960

1960 The golden year of 1960. A brief journey through the music, entertainment, happenings, memories and some trivia of the year. By John Surgenor Irvine Beat FM – Golden Hour Presenter I’ll start by introducing myself. I’m John Surgenor and I do a golden hour show on Irvinebeatfm 107.2 and the website every Wednesday,…

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