The Hub
North Ayrshire Charity Directory
Here is a list of charity organisations that operate throughout North Ayrshire.
We hope that you find this list useful. If we have missed any charity that should be included in this list, please Contact Us with the details.
Charity SCIO: SC022315
Alzheimer Scotland
A charity that supports people with dementia, their families, relatives and friends at any stage of the illness.

Charity SCIO: SC011390
Ayrshire Hospice
The Ayrshire Hospice provides outstanding quality care and services which helps those with any life-limiting illness.

Charity SCIO: SC029988
C.L.A.S.P. Community Led Action & Support Project
Working with the Community to build a better future. C.L.A.S.P (Community Led Action & Support Project) is based in Stevenston, North Ayrshire

Charity SCIO: SC028100
CHAP - Ayrshire Debt Support
CHAP is an Ayrshire charity which helps people from all walks of life with a range of housing, welfare and debt issues. It also provides education and early intervention services.
Community Housing Advocacy Project

Charity SCIO: SC047137
Coastwatch Scotland Irvine
Coastwatch Scotland Irvine, is solely manned by a team of volunteers of varying skills and ages. They provide a watch & listen station to assist with first aid around the harbour & river.

Charity SCIO: SC047137
Disability Motorsport Scotland
The only Scottish charity to offer free motorsport taster sessions for people living with a disability

Charity SCIO: SC563212
FFU - Fibro Friends United
FFU Scotland CIC. Scotland’s national non profit organisation for Fibromyalgia.

Charity SCIO: SC038979
Guide Dogs Scotland
Find out more about our life-changing services for individuals living with sight loss.

Charity SCIO: SC017119
HSBA - Hospital Radio
HBSA has been providing a dedicated Hospital Radio Service for patients and staff in Ayrshire Hospitals since the mid 1970s.

Charity SCIO: SC007759
North Ayrshire Foodbank

Charity SCIO: SC003486
North Ayrshire Women’s Aid
An organisation committed to providing information, support & accommodation to women, children & young people who are victims of domestic abuse.

Charity SCIO: SC037554
Parkinson's Support Group
Whether you have Parkinson’s or you care for someone who does, you can get the information and support that’s right for you.

Charity SCIO: SC014096
Poppy Scotland Ayrshire Branch
Poppyscotland provides life-changing support for the Armed Forces community in Scotland.

Charity SCIO: SC037736
RNLI Lifeboat Ayrshire
Troon Lifeboat Station provides, on call, a voluntary 24-hour lifeboat search & rescue service.
The telephone number is for general enquiries. In an emergency call 999 and ask for the Coastguard.

Charity SCIO: SC028874
TACT - The Ayrshire Community Trust
Based in Saltcoats, forming part of the North Ayrshire TSI (Third Sector Interface) along with Arran Community and Voluntary Service.

Charity SCIO: SC035078
TMF - The Mungo Foundation
Supporting people with learning disabilities.

Get Your Charity Listed
Please, please, please contact us if you are involved in a local charity and you are not listed on the Hub index.
As a local community radio station, we would love to work with you and help to get your message across to the local community.
The whole purpose of Irvine Beat FM is to provide a platform for local charities to promote themselves.
Local non-profit groups such as youth groups and church groups, we will create a separate hub for local clubs & groups.