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NHS Statement: COVID-19 Assessment Centre

This is a statement from NHS Ayrshire & Arran dated 28 March 2020.

COVID-19 Assessment Centre

NHS Ayrshire & Arran has opened an assessment centre for patients displaying worsening COVID-19 symptoms. This will support the recently opened COVID-19 Community Clinical Hub.

The assessment centre is a self-contained facility based within Lister Centre, University Hospital Crosshouse operating 24 hours a day.  It will operate on an appointment basis only. Patients should not attend without an appointment.

If you, or someone you know, develop breathlessness or symptoms worsen during home isolation or symptoms don’t improve after seven days, then you should continue to contact NHS 24 (111).

Patients will continue to be referred to the Community Clinical Hub for a telephone triage and given appropriate clinical advice.  If a patient requires further clinical assessment, they will be offered an appointment at the COVID-19 Community Clinical Assessment Centre.  For patients unable to attend the centre further advice will be given on how they will be assessed.

If patients are offered an appointment they should be prepared to enter the building on their own.  For children attending, only one parent/guardian will be allowed within the centre. If you are given an appointment to the centre you will be given clear instructions on what to do before entering the building, which must be followed.

If you have a medical emergency, dial 999 and tell them you have COVID-19 symptoms.

Dr Crawford McGuffie, Medical Director said, “The assessment centre provides greater access for people with worsening COVID-19 symptoms for enhanced medical assessment and care.”

The best way to protect yourself and others against coronavirus (COVID-19) is to wash your hands with soap and water, or use a sanitiser gel, regularly throughout the day.

For the latest health and travel advice, visit

 A free helpline has been set up for those who do not have symptoms but are looking for general health advice: 0800 028 2816.

If you think you, or someone you care for, may have Coronavirus (COVID-19) related symptoms and you need to speak to someone, you should now call NHS 24 (111). NHS 24 are now the first point of contact, please do not contact your local GP.

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